About Us
Chef Deena has been cooking professionally for over 25 years. In 1996, she catered her first wedding for her cousin, and her passion for cooking was born. Chef Deena is affectionately known as the Remix Queen; taking tried and true recipes and putting her spin on them.
She specializes in creating new taste designs that make taste buds jump. “I get excited when people taste my food and their eyes bulge out of the socket!” says the Remix Queen. She enjoys taking classical dishes that you eat with a fork and transforming them into party bites. “Cute & Quick Mingle Foods”, she calls them. Her Fried Buffalo Mac n Cheeze Squares are her most requested fan favorite.
Norfolk Virginia native, Chef Deena grew up watching her mother bake delectable pastries and cakes. During her mom’s tenure as a cake designer, Chef Deena chuckles as she recalls having the privilege of licking the bowl when she was done. “I remember how she always loved to make food pretty. So ‘plating’ is not foreign to me.”
Chef Deena has appearances on ABC's TV show The Chew where she cooked alongside Iron Chef Mario Batali. Together, they showed the studio and viewing audience how to turn seasonal favorites into something quick, easy, and elegant.
In 2015, Chef Deena spent some time in Los Angeles to pursue her culinary dreams. There she met and collaborated with some amazing people. One particular human, Dr. Sebi, caught her attention and so she tried his therapeutic package which came with a Nutritional Guide. This guide was a fun challenge to Chef. As she continued to visit his LA office, she ran into people who found it to be very daunting. She continues to help people eat delicious food on a limited list of ingredients.
Currently, Chef Deena is back in Virginia creating her clients' favorite meals, #Veganized! She also journeys out to cuisine experts across the globe to veganize popular dishes to perfection like Carbonara, Birria, and 'Saltfish & Bake'.